The centesimal frame & instrument for measuring angles, are both used together with the fraction circles. They demonstrate how angles, and degrees, are measured into degrees, and then can be converted to decimal fractions. These activities are aimed at the 9 to 12 year old.
Features of the Centesimal Frame & Instrument for Measuring Angles
- the centesimal frame is a wooden plate with a recessed circle
- the calibrations around the circle range from 0 to 100
- position the fraction piece from the fraction circle, into this circle
- the calibrated frame, converts the fraction from the metal fraction circle to a decimal
- the instrument that measures angles, is a thick, wooden plate
- this is calibrated in 360 degrees with a recessed circle
- you can measure a fraction or fractions, from the metal fraction circles, using this instrument
Each board is 14 cm x 14 cm x 0.5 cm / ( 5½” x 5½” x ¼” )
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