Montessori Associations
South African Montessori Association
Childrens House has been a SAMA member since 2005, and participated at every SAMACON for the last 15 years.
Visit SAMA
Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand
We regularly supply schools in New Zealand. For more information about Montessori in New Zealand visit MANZ
Visit MANZ
Utah Montessori Council
Childrens House work with the Utah Montessori Council. For more information about Montessori in Utah:
Visit UMC
Montessori Training Centres
Headstart Montessori
an Accredited Montessori Teacher Training College in Namibia with quality training for over 30 years.
Visit Headstart
Montessori Centre South Africa
One of the biggest Montessori teacher training colleges in South Africa.
Visit MCSA
MELF is a non-profit women’s organisation established in 1995. MELF provides training, support, and advice to individuals, and organisations from previously disadvantaged communities involved in the ECD field.
We seek to improve the quality of early childhood care, and education, working with young women, to develop their skills, and increase job opportunities.
Visit MELF
Montessori Manufacturers
Nienhuis Montessori
Childrens House has been selling the Nienhuis & Educo brand for 15 years.
Visit Nienhuis
ETC Montessori
Childrens House has been selling supplementary and extension materials since 2017.
Visit ETC
Montessori Affiliates
2 Oceans Aquarium
The Two Oceans Aquarium on the V&A Waterfront, Cape Town is ideally positioned to showcase the incredible diversity of marine life found in these two oceans.
2 Oceans Aquarium