The metal fraction circles introduce the concepts of fractions, and equivalents. These concrete templates present ten different puzzles, decreasing from a complete circle, to one that is divided into ten portions, or decreasing fractions. The fractions activity set A, is a set of questions that increase in complexity. The Child gains a greater understanding of fractions by working through these cards.
Initially, the Child is introduced to this activity, by matching the beautiful red templates, to the patterns on the question cards. As the activities develop in complexity, the Child begins to complete simple equations, matching the image of a concrete representation of a fraction, to the abstract written fraction on an alternate card.
Features of the Fractions Activity – Set A
- the direct objectives of this activity for the Child, are:
- to explore the sensorial aspect of fractions through the templates
- develop the ability to match fractions as an equivalent of the concrete aspect
- indirectly, the Child:
- learns the names of fractions
- develops an understanding about the numerator and denominator
- understands mathematics better
- improves their problem solving skills
- aimed at the 3 to 6 and, the 6 to 9 environment
- this activity supports the Montessori mathematics curriculum
Contents of the Fractions Activity – Set A
- The metal fraction circle, featured for illustrative purposes, is sold separately.
- 4 header cards, dividing each level of question
- 26 cards depicting fractions in a pictorial format
- 20 cards depicting fractions. Written in a mathematical format, they match the pictured images
- sold in an acrylic stand for storage
- cards – 10.5cm x 7.5cm / (4¼” x 7½”)
- acrylic stand – 12cm x 10cm x 9cm / (4¾” x 4″ x 3½”)
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