My Wild Pets, is one of a series of books, produced by the famous Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town, South Africa. Designed to be an interactive story line, encouraging free and creative thinking. The answers to the activity questions, are either straight-forward or leave space for creative thought.
In My Wild Pets, Beauty and Geo go on their latest adventure as they learn about the differences between pets and wild animals; about how to love, respect and care for all animals. We also learn about sea stars as we meet a sea star who journeys from the ocean to the Aquarium and in doing so becomes an ocean ambassador.
Download a Poster explaining why Biodiversity is so important to the World. This poster is produced by the Two Oceans Aquarium to explain how biodiversity fits into the environment.
Childrens House is joining the Two Oceans Aquarium plea for a “Plastic Free July!” – come and join
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