The Land and Water Form Trays are moulded 3-dimensional trays representing actual land and water forms. These trays aid The Child to grasp the abstract of what can be by seeing and feeling the different land forms and moving the water around in the trays. These trays are to be filled with water that is colored blue.
The set consists of 10 different trays 20cm x 20cm x 4cm made from durable plastic. The forms represented are:
- lake and island;
- isthmus and straight;
- archipelago and system of lakes;
- bay and cape;
- gulf and peninsula
Related Products
- Land and Water Form – 3 Part Cards
- Land Air and Water Cards
- Water Cycle Activity – 3 to 6
- Water Cycle – 6 to 9
- Freshwater Biome Folder
- Marine Biome Folder
Further Reading and Resources
The Land and Water Forms by Catherine McTamaney
Children learn concretely, adopting new concepts best when they can feel them in their hands and move them about. For some concepts, like quantities from one through ten, this is easy enough to provide: one bead fits in the hand just as ten do. How, though, can we intr…
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