Temperature, flora and fauna, and the amount of light and water, are the main determining factors to identifying this biome. These elements are not static, and constantly move. The freshwater biome folder uses vibrant images, with pertinent facts on the reverse side, to illustrate this fragile environment.
The freshwater biome is one of the most fragile biomes, that is under constant threat from human habitation. This makes it imperative that children understand how to look after freshwater, and why. The distribution of freshwater biomes is unevenly spread around the world, and can be sub-divided into three groups:
- slow moving water, found in pools, ponds and lakes
- faster moving water, for example streams, and rivers
- wetlands where the soil is saturated, or inundated with water, for at least part or the year.
This material is not intended to be an exhaustive supply of images; and information; for all the freshwater environments in the World. We suggest that the teacher expands on this information, as projects for the children to work upon. Due to differing sources of information on current freshwater biome placement, the highlighted area on the map should be used as a guide for the Child, rather than a definitive boundary.
Features of the Freshwater Biome Folder
- the direct objective, is for children to;
- receive an introduction to geography and the freshwater biome
- indirectly, children;
- learn how important water is to civilisation, and how to look after it
- understand the diversity of the world
- identify with areas that they can relate to
- broaden their horizons, stimulating an inquiring mind
- curriculum support material, aligned to the Montessori geography curriculum
- these cards offer the teacher a structure, that s/he can use to embellish on the image with stories, and facts.
Contents of the Freshwater Biome Folder
- 25 cards reflect the following subjects in an image;
- environments; which include, amongst others, rice paddies, and waterfalls
- fauna; includes insects, dragonflies, birds, and wildlife, etc
- flora; including, grasses, water plants, and trees
- homes, and recreations undertaken either next to, on top of, or under the water
- on the reverse of the photographs, are facts to support the images
- these cards, plus a title card are sold in a transparent, plastic A4 envelope for storage
24cm x 17cm x 1.5cm
(9¾” x 6¾” x ¾”)
Related Products
- World Biomes Mat
- Taiga Biome Folder
- Temperate Forest Biome Folder
- Temperate Grassland Biome Folder
- Tropical Rainforest Biome Folder
- Savanna Biome Folder
- Tundra Biome Folder
- Polar Biome Folder
- Marine Biome Folder
- Desert Biome Folder
- World Biomes 3 Part Cards
Further Reading and Resources
- US-European Satellite Will Make World’s First Global Freshwater Survey – JPL – NASA’s California Institute of Technology
Causes, Effects and Solutions to Land Pollution You’ll Wish You’d Known – Conserve Energy Future – Be Green, Stay Green
The term “biome”, was first used in 1916, by Frederic E. Clements, an American ecologist, describes the plants and animals in a given habitat – National Geographic
- Freshwater Biodiversity Programme – by SANBI (South African National Biodiversity Institute)
Cassidy34 (verified owner) –
Superb product. These guys at Childrens House really get Montessori.