The Decimal Fraction Mat is used with the Decimal Fraction Exercise to introduce decimal number formations to the Child/ren. These two products are part of the introduction to decimal number formation; as well as, practicing addition, subtraction, and multiplication of a decimal whole number.
The decimal fraction exercise featured in the illustration is sold separately.
Features of the Decimal Fraction
This mat, which is aimed at the lower elementary children, stimulates the development of the mathematical mind. This material provides the opportunity to practice various decimal calculations in all spheres of operation.
- made of 13 columns with an extra dark line at the point where a decimal point would be
- green signifies units
- blue signifies tens
- red signifies hundreds
- the mat is sold in a transparent A5 plastic envelope
- gain a deeper understanding of the decimal system
- familiarise the Child with the meaning of four different operations and the concept of exact positioning
- mat – 51 x 48 cm / (20″ x 19″)
- envelope – 24 x 17 x 2 cm / (9.5″ x 6.75″ x 0.75″)
Related Products
- the Decimal Fraction Exercise together with the Decimal Fraction Mat
- introduce the Child to the concept of fractions with the Metal Fraction Circles with Stand
- Centesimal Frame and Instrument for Measuring Angles is used to demonstrate how fractions may reduce to decimal fractions
Further Reading and Resources
- How to use the decimal fraction board
Sharon MacDonald (verified owner) –
I must say this is a far better solution than the board. it is easy to store away and keep clean. And then blocks dont roll around.