The Decimal Fraction Exercise is used for various decimal operations, and with the Decimal Fraction Mat. This material introduces decimal quantity, and symbol. The mat is sold as a separate item.
Objectives of the Decimal Fraction Exercise
- the objective of this decimal exercise, is to practice decimal quantity, and symbols.
- indirectly, they learn about
- the decimal system using colour-coded concrete cube forms
- the cubes represent the hierarchical values
- this traditional Montessori material supports all standard mathematics curricula in the elementary classes
Contents and Dimensions
- a well-built birch wood box with a loose lid
- 30cm x 12cm x 4.5cm / ( 11¾” x 4¾” x 1¾” )
- colour-coded cubes
- decimal number cards from 1 – 0.00009
Related Products
Further Reading and Resources
- Group 2: Decimal System by Montessori Commons, cc
- Decimal Board Activity Set, a blog explaining how the system works by Alison’s Montessori
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