This bottle; or jar; scraper is a long handled implement, with a plastic scraper, to get the last bits of jam; or sauce; out of long necked bottles, and jars. When the teacher presents the bottle; or jar; scraper to the Child, they can guide them by emphasizing how to hold the scraper. They can also show them how to move their hand; whilst holding the bottle or jar; to scrape out the last of the jam.
Features of the Bottle or Jar Scraper
- the direct objective is for the Child to learn how to use the scraper
- indirectly, children will-
- develop more hand-eye coordination, and gross muscle control
- gain assurance to use ‘real’ crockery with confidence
- improve their logical thinking, and problem-solving skills
- this product supports the Montessori practical life curriculum
Size: 22.5cm x 3cm x 2 cm / (8¾” x 1¼” x ¾”)
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Further Reading and References
Montessori Transferring Activities by Ilaria Stefani of The Sakura
Glenda Michaels (verified owner) –
Great tool for the kitchen.