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Big and Small - Montessori for All
Courtesy Rod Long at Unsplash
Picture of By Claire
By Claire

Big and Small – Montessori for all

Montessori for Dementia and Ageing is an innovative approach to dementia care that can be adopted for individuals or groups as a philosophy of care. The goal of the Montessori program is to support older adults and people living with dementia by creating a prepared environment, filled with cues and memory supports, that enables individuals to care for themselves, others, and their community. Courtesy Montessori for Dementia and Aged.

Any mention of Maria Montessori immediately brings to mind young children from zero to 6 years old.  But when you research her teachings, you begin to realise that her philosophy, suits any age.

The key principles advocated by Maria Montessori are:

  1. Independence
  2. Observation
  3. Follow the Child
  4. Prepared Environment
  5. Love and support of the absorbent minds.

These concepts and foundation principles can be applied across all ages.

As we all live longer, we realise that not everyone is fortunate enough to maintain the same level of mental health.  Many older people begin to experience various types of dementia, to a greater or lesser degree.  This has seen an increase in care centres.  Currently, not many care centres have a prepared  environment designed to look for the strengths of their clientele;  focusing on what they can do, rather than what they can’t do.

Setting up the prepared environment to support the inhabitants so that they don’t fail, the focus is on the community care for one another, and yet providing them with independence through the tasks set up in the environment.   A loving community makes the members feel useful, and keeps them mentally alert.  Not too dissimilar to that of a Montessori classroom.

This need prompted the AMI association to invite Montessori and Dementia experts from across the globe to form the first Montessori Advisory Group for Dementia and Ageing (MAGDA).  They are striving to develop communities that treat individuals with respect and dignity, and honour their choices so that they may live as independently as possible.

The goal of the Montessori program is to support older adults and people living with dementia by creating a prepared environment, filled with cues and memory supports, that enables individuals to care for themselves, others, and their community.

The important factor is to help make the last chapter of the aged person’s history, be their best chapter.  The attached video gives you an insight to Montessori Care Homes.  If you are short of time, fast forward to the 6th minute, you can view Montessori in Aged Care using the Montessori activities.

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