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Nomenclature Cards and Purposeful Writing

Once children have begun to write letters, they are quickly motivated to apply that knowledge to useful, meaningful activities. But a child who wants to write a lot may not yet have the attention span or endurance to write for long. It falls, then, to the creative Montessori teacher to identify opportunities for children to […]
What is Montessori?

The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life. Maria Montessori The Montessori method of teaching is an internationally renowned, theoretical concept based upon proven scientific observations. It is a holistic, comprehensive approach to an educational system. This system includes the lifestyle and all areas […]
Pouring Activities: 3 small glasses

To the untrained eye, the Montessori, phase 3 to 6, Practical Life activities appear to be, well, child’s play. On closer examination, however, the Practical Life activities present themselves as a highly logical, sequential chain of activities. These events indirectly lead the child to greater things. Childrens House introduces variations of these transferring activities. You […]
Transferring Activities: Pouring Dried Beans

So why all the emphasis on pouring? I thought if you knew how to pour water without spilling it, you were finished? The Practical Life activities are indirectly preparing the Montessori child for something larger. There is, so to speak, a behind-the-scenes theme happening simultaneously.
Jo’s School’s 10 Year Anniversary

From a tiny children’s clothing shop in the small English village of Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight to a school on the Cape Flats is quite a stretch of the imagination but not when it came to honouring Jo’s life, and Jo’s School in Vrygrond is proof of that. Today, the 5th October 2020, […]
Teach your child to pour and spoon for themselves

#lockdown#learningathome#becomingindependent#pouringandspooning Give your toddler and pre-schooler the opportunity to learn to pour and spoon for themselves. From 2.5 years onwards your child will love being able to pour milk into their cereal bowl and feed themselves independently. This is a wonderful activity for fine-motor control and it develops concentration. Have a tray with a bowl, […]
Give your child the opportunity to learn to scrub objects for themselves
#lockdown #learningathome #becomingindependent #scrubbingobjects Children love working with water so give your toddler or pre-schooler the opportunity to scrub objects. From 2.5 years onwards your child will love being able to use a toothbrush to clean their plastic toys, shells or some other objects. This is a wonderful activity for fine-motor control and it develops […]