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Order online for Free Shipping. Receive a quarterly pack of exciting learning tools, lesson plans and guidance for you and your Child.

Learn and Play
Our unique learning materials teach your child through play to achieve their developmental milestones and improve their focus, self-esteem, and confidence levels.

Join in the Journey
Experience our personal guidance. The At Home programme provides invaluable specialist tips and lessons, discussing the child’s developmental journey of self-discovery.

Play & Grow
Observe your child’s progress as they develop focus, independence and confidence working the learning materials in our At Home programme.
Select the age of your child
What is our At Home Program?
The Childrens House At Home Program provides your Child with educational materials to achieve their developmental milestones.
The program offers the parent or educator online support from professional educational specialists.
You will receive an educational pack, delivered to your door, once a quarter.
The materials are carefully designed and selected according to your Child’s developmental age.
Be the first to receive access to our latest content and products for your Child.
Join our At Home Program
Supporting the developmental needs of your child
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Blogs For parents

Our At Home Program is Here to Support You
The At Home Program supports parents and caregivers by providing children under their care, with materials to stimulate their senses.

Schooling in our Time
2020 is now officially the Year of Upheaval for Everyone! Gone are all the traditional holidays, classes, and experiences – we are all adjusting to the frustrations of the new “Future Normal”. Parents the world over are re-thinking education for their children. In the “old world”, all we wanted for
Working with the Pincer Grip
Handwriting is a vital basic cognitive skill. When developed, The Child will feel greater self-esteem and become truly independent in their communication skills. The starting point is the pincer grip. The infant starts to develop this grip between 9 to 12 months. By providing the correct environment e.g. small items